Breaking Free (SEAL TEAM Heartbreakers) Page 11
“Jesus! That’s Flash,” he breathed.
Zoe swung out of the bucket seat with a practiced grip on the doorframe. Bowie, his cheeks flushed with excitement, popped out of the car and started circling the Porsche like a shark circling prey.
“What did you do man, rob a bank?” Bowie asked as Flash unfolded his lean frame from the car.
“Naw. I got a really sweet deal and I wiped out my savings. Hey, Zoe.”
Flash’s blond hair reflected in the car’s bright cherry red exterior as he braced a hand on the front quarter-panel. He looked tan and fit as though he’d been spending a great deal of time out in the sun. And he aimed a sexy smile at her and said, “Want to go for a ride?”
Zoe laughed and shook her head. “There are three hungry children and several adults waiting by the pool to eat. Maybe later.”
Flash seemed a nice guy, they all did, but--- How did Hawk stand this constant doubt? She leaned back against the rear of Bowie’s car and watched the two men as they studied the sleek lines of the vehicle and discussed every virtue of the engine.
“You got to show the guys,” Bowie said as he slammed the hood closed.
“Later.” Flash patted the hood. “I’ve worked up an appetite just driving around town. I’m starving.”
“We’ve just gotten back from the store. You can help carry the groceries in,” Bowie said.
Bowie strung the plastic bags of groceries on his arms like oversized Christmas ornaments.
“I can carry some,” Zoe said.
“We’ve got it covered,” Flash said as he stretched to retrieve the last bag from high up in the trunk. A light thump had Zoe leaning forward to see if something had fallen out of a bag. A small cylindrical stone lay in the trunk near one of the rear lights. A stone just like the ones Brett had brought home. Zoe reached for it, but Flash scooped it up with a speed worthy of his call sign.
“That’s my lucky charm. I’d hate to lose it,” he said with a grin. “You can close the trunk and get the door.”
Instead of making a comment about the stone, she slammed the trunk and went ahead of the two men.
As they came into the kitchen, Hawk stood at the counter pouring drinks for the three children clustered around him. A pair of cut offs hugged his legs and a t-shirt hung over his shoulder.
“Looks like you arrived just in time, guys,” he said.
The door slammed behind the three children as they trooped back outside.
Bowie smiled as he lowered the bags to the floor. “What can I say, my timing’s always been perfect. You know that, LT”
Zoe started unloading the bags. Flash placed his on the bar.
“I bought a car, Hawk. A really sweet ride. You’ll have to check it out after we eat,” Flash said.
While the two men talked about the vehicle, Bowie came to stand next to Zoe and lifted one of the bags on the counter. He took out a basket of fresh tomatoes.
“Thanks for making the grocery run with me, Bowie.”
“Any time, Zo.” He rested a hand against her waist and brushed a kiss on her cheek.
Startled by the gesture she looked up at him.
His brown gaze looked down into hers. “Remember what I said in the car.” He ran the back of his fingers against her cheek in a brief caress. “You need any help here?”
Struck speechless, she shook her head.
As he and Flash sauntered out onto the deck, her numbed brain kicked into overdrive. Which bit of advice had Bowie meant? About talking to Derrick?
Or was it that she should be straight forward with Hawk about her interest in him? Was she really ready to leave herself open to hurt again by doing so? Should she keep Bowie in mind if things didn’t work out between them as he’d suggested?
“What was that all about?” Hawk moved to stand next to her.
Surprised he had noticed the exchange, she glanced up at him. “Nothing. Did you really warn all of the men to stay away from me?”
His expression grew guarded. “Not exactly.”
She folded her arms and leaned back against the counter. “Then why don’t you explain to me exactly what you did say.”
His features tightened. “I told them I didn’t think Cutter would appreciate one of his fellow teammates trying to nail his sister. And I told them to keep in mind, if they were thinking about asking you out, that you weren’t the type for a one night stand.”
She shook her head, unable to decide whether to be angry at his interference or touched by his protectiveness. Was he keeping his distance for the same reason, or because he just wasn’t interested?
“My brother doesn’t live my life for me, Hawk. I’ll sleep with whomever I want, when I want.” She pointed a finger at him. “And Brett’s approval or disapproval won’t have a damn thing to do with it when it happens.”
He caught the waving finger, and his lips quirked with amusement. “Understood.” His gray eyes focused on her face and his smile died.
Zoe’s stomach quivered at the sudden intensity of his expression. “I’m not looking for your approval either,” she said. Her voice sounded weak and breathless.
“All right.”
His acquiescence fired her temper and hurt her feelings. She tugged at her finger, breaking his grip. He stepped close and surprised, she tilted her head back to look up at him.
Placing an arm on either side, he hemmed her in against the counter, his body a breath away from hers. Her pulse leaped and she pressed a hand against his chest. The heat of his skin seeped into her palm like liquid fire.
Hawk’s gray eyes narrowed. “I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I promised your mom I’d look out for you.” His throat worked as he swallowed and his voice grew husky. “I don’t think fantasizing about taking her daughter to bed was exactly what she had in mind.”
The knot of tension in the pit of her stomach dissolved as excitement raced through her to settle, tingling and hot, between her legs. Was it possible to have an orgasm just thinking about making love? If he plastered that long, lean, masculine body up against hers, she might just achieve her very first one without his ever having to touch her.
“I’m trying to take things slow here, Zoe.”
She bit back a groan. If he went any slower, she might just dwell on all the reasons she shouldn’t get involved with him, and chicken out all together. Her eyes fastened on the hard, fast beating pulse just beneath the skin of his throat. She rose on tiptoe and pressed an open mouthed kiss there. His skin tasted of chlorine and heat.
He caught his breath, and his hand splayed against the small of her back and pulled her against him. The firm ridge of his arousal pushed against her stomach. When she leaned back to look up at him, he kissed her, the hungry pressure of his lips hot and insistent.
The tempting touch of his tongue against hers intensified the empty ache inside her. Zoe slid one arm around his neck and strained upward to fit herself against his tall frame more fully. She ran the other hand up his back, caressing his smooth, muscled flesh.
He cupped her buttocks guiding her closer, urging her legs apart as he thrust one long thigh between hers. Though she ached with need, she fought the compulsion to rub against the steady pressure of his leg. Hawk had no such reservation. He rocked against her, and Zoe groaned as the movement titillated the over-sensitized area between her thighs driving her closer to the edge.
“Daddy does that to Mommy, sometimes.” The sound of a child’s voice had them both freezing.
Hawk broke the kiss, his breathing ragged, his cheeks flushed. He looked toward the door leading out onto the deck. “I bet.” He shifted putting some space between his lower body and hers.
Zoe stifled a sound somewhere between a laugh and a groan. At least the counter had blocked from view what else had been going on. She turned to look over her shoulder at seven-year-old Tad, the oldest of the Marks children. His red-blond hair, still wet from the pool, stood on end, but there was nothing in his express
ion that warranted concern.
“Mommy said the burgers were ready when you were.”
Ready? Her face and ears burned with embarrassment.
Hawk’s gaze dropped to hers, amusement in his expression. “Tell your mom, we’ll be right there, Tad.”
The door shut behind the boy.
Feeling exposed and vulnerable, Zoe turned her back to Hawk. “I was supposed to be slicing tomatoes and onions for the burgers.” He pressed against her from behind, and her legs went rubbery. The soft warmth of his lips against the back of her neck sent delightful shivers down her spine.
“I’ll slice the tomatoes, while you do the onions.” He gathered three tomatoes in one hand and moved to the sink.
His touch lingered on her skin and she had to concentrate on slowing her breathing. She wrinkled her nose at him. “Let me guess, aside from the smell, you just don’t want me to see you cry.”
“Sweetheart, I almost did when Tad opened that door.”
With two plates of food, one for him and the other for Zoe, Hawk settled in one of the deck chairs next to Marjorie Allen, Derrick Armstrong’s girlfriend. Derrick leaned forward to look around the woman at Hawk. “How’s the knee, LT?”
“Healing. The doc’s given me permission to do a little lifting with it. I thought I’d start tomorrow.”
Derrick nodded. “If you need someone to spot you, I’m available in the mornings. I usually start my routine around five.”
Hawk nodded, his gaze wandering to Zoe as she dried off one of the children at the pool. Her leg might benefit from lifting weights, too, but not if Derrick were around to watch her. “I appreciate the offer Strong Man, but I’ll have to take it easy at first. Sometimes having a partner tempts you into competing. I don’t want to overdo it, and then have to start healing all over again.”
Derrick waved a hand. “Understood.”
Zoe limped over to join them, and Hawk rose to move a lawn chair next to his. He watched the quick rise of color in her cheeks as she sat down. God, all that shy, suppressed sexuality was driving him crazy. Especially when every time he looked at her, her eyes were saying everything she was thinking. And everything she was thinking seemed pretty hot. Had Tad not interrupted them, how much further would she have allowed him to go?
Bowie pulled a chair up next to Zoe and sat down.
What had he meant by the cryptic remark he had made to Zoe in the kitchen? He had obviously been trying to get her to go out with him.
It had taken all Hawk’s control to keep from ripping into him. Until he drew a firm line in the sand, the other guys in the team would continue to put the move on her.
Hawk ran a hand down Zoe’s back, and she looked up at him. He was suddenly aware of how often he had avoided touching her. That was going to stop right now. He tucked a short wisp of hair that curled against her cheek behind her ear. “I forgot to get us some drinks. I’ll be right back.”
When he returned Bowie was leaning close to Zoe, saying something. Hawk placed the drinks on the table and draped a casual arm over her shoulders as he leaned forward to listen to their conversation.
“How’s Cutter doing?” Strongman asked.
Damn the man had no sense of timing at all. He’d hoped Zoe could have one afternoon away from the stress of her brother’s condition. Hawk’s gaze narrowed on him, but Derrick seemed oblivious to the look.
“He’s about the same.”
Derrick nodded. “I was thinking about the time we did our first blast. He was the best at skydiving. He had nerves of steel. I swear he could jump out of a plane a foot off the deck and still have time to pull the rip-cord and float to the ground.”
“He’s going to come back to it,” Zoe said, her features stiff, her gaze locked on Derrick.
Derrick’s cheeks grew red. His eyes took on a flat look as stony as his features. “Yeah, he is.”
Tension blanketed the atmosphere at the table like smoke. Bowie jumped into the lull and began describing his first parachute jump.
“Anyway, my knees are knocking and I’ve got bats in my belly, and I get to the door of the plane. LT’s standing there ready to follow us out once the last man jumps. I’m thinking of everything that can go wrong and going over every moment of my training, hoping I can remember it all if something does. I look out the door, and all I can see is open space, and it looks beautiful. The air is clear and the ground looks like a patchwork quilt. LT motions for me to go, and before I can think of any reason not to, I yell Geronimo and jump.”
Flash leaned forward to speak down the table. “I thought I was at a remake of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You know the scene where they jump off the cliff. I heard you yelling all the way down, or at least until you deployed your chute. And it didn’t sound anything like Geronimo to me.”
Laughter broke out around the table. Bowie narrowed his eyes at the man, though he laughed good-naturedly at his ribbing. “Those were whoops of excitement, you were hearing, Flash. Besides, I’m surprised you could hear anything above your own whimpering. You weren’t exactly icy.”
A deep flush darkened Flash’s tanned complexion, and for a moment, his features tightened, then he smiled. “Damn straight. Jumping out of a plane three thousand feet in the air still isn’t one of my favorite things to do. Give me a tank of air and drop my ass in the ocean, and I’m ready.”
“Hooyah.” The word traveled around the table.
Bowie turned back to Zoe. “On the way down, it was great. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. You could see for miles and there was just this high, excitement high, as you deployed your chute and glided down.”
“I think I’d like to try it one day.” Zoe took a bite of potato salad.
Surprised by the conviction in her tone, Hawk studied her expression.
Bowie’s gaze moved from Hawk’s hand resting on her shoulder to his face. “LT would be the one to take you up. He’s probably got more jumps under his belt than the rest of us put together.”
Zoe’s attention swung to him.
His insides clenched at the idea of her jumping out of a plane. He had experienced some harrowing moments in the past, not that he’d ever share them with her. “I jump out of planes because it’s part of my job, Zoe. I’ve never thought of doing it for pleasure.”
“It’s really expensive unless you’re part of a sky diving group,” Marjorie said. “One of the girls I work with is a member of a club. She and her boyfriend do it on the weekends. They spend every dime they can get their hands on to pay for it. Hang gliding might be an option though. You can rent the gliders while you train, and find out if you like it well enough to buy your own.”
“Or what about parasailing?” Trish said. “You can do that any time and it’s only about eighty dollars.”
Hawk jumped at the idea. “What do you say, Zoe? We could do that this weekend.”
Her expression grew shuttered, and she bit her bottom lip.
The muscles at the back of his neck tightened. He could almost read what was going through her head. She’d have to wear a swimsuit, and he’d be able to see her leg. How would they ever make love if she was afraid of his reaction to the injury? He didn’t give a damn what it looked like. Her leg only made up a small part of who she was. Come on, trust me, Zoe. He wanted to say the words out loud.
“I’d love to do it.”
The wistfulness in her tone gave him hope. “You haven’t taken in any of the sights or gone to the beach. We can make a day of it.”
“I can’t leave Brett all day.”
“Half a day, then.”
She smiled.
Yes! He had her now.
“All right. Half a day.”
She’d have five whole days to think about it. Five days to change her mind. Five days to worry about her leg and his reaction to it. Damn! He had to get Zoe out of her pants.
From her perch atop the picnic table on the deck, Zoe obser
ved Derrick Armstrong as, resting a hand against Marjorie’s waist; he guided her to his car. For most of the evening following her comment at dinner, he’d remained sullen and silent. She should have left it alone and not said anything. But the men were giving up on Brett. Derrick had already done so. She could tell by the way he always referred to him in the past tense.
Bowie, Flash, and Doc were better about it, but the way their eyes met whenever Brett’s name came up in conversation---They didn’t believe he’d come out of the coma.
Did Hawk feel the same?
She’d never ask him. She couldn’t. She was holding onto her own positive outlook by her fingernails. She couldn’t allow anyone’s negativity to tear chunks out of her hope.
She turned her gaze back to the friendly backyard volleyball game. Flash served the volleyball and Langley went up for a return as it spun toward him.
Hawk’s hand brushing downward over her back to her waist snapped her attention to him. His muscular thigh pressed along hers making her think about how he had thrust it between her legs and encouraged her to rock against it.
He’d touched her more during dinner than he had the entire time she’d been staying at his house. With every stroke of his palm he primed her hunger for more and her anxiety.
“Ready to go home?” Hawk asked.
Twenty minutes later, Zoe’s nerves kicked in with a vengeance as they reached the midway point to Hawk’s house. She cast surreptitious glances at him from beneath her lashes and tried to calm her uncontrollable heartbeat and unsteady breathing. What had she said to him about making love? Oh yeah--she’d do it when she wanted to. But he would too. She wanted it--wanted it so-o-o-o bad, but she was scared too. If he saw her leg, her scars--
Hawk’s hand closed around hers. “Relax, Zoe.”
She swallowed though her mouth was dust dry. She clung to his hand with both of hers and wished the bucket seats would allow her to slide closer.
“We don’t have to rush anything,” Hawk said.
He had been so patient, had taken things so slowly thus far--“It isn’t that,” she said, her tone weak.
“What is it then?”
“Have you ever wanted something you--”her voice dwindled away. If she said she was scared to death he’d misunderstand.